The Only New Year’s Resolution You Need
The only New Year’s resolution you or your business need this year is to incorporate principled and focused planning and take action. ...

Listening to Those on the Front Lines of Education
[The flowing is my input to a survey conducted by The Common Core Task Force which is a group of education officials, teachers, parents,...

The Value of Professional Development
I have been on both sides of discussing the value of professional development. As a member of our local school board this issue often...

What’s the Right Quality Path?
You may not know who Roger Milliken was but I formed an indelible impression of him in quality classes I conducted in the 80’s. I had...

Treat Your People Well
Treating people well seems to be a Current layoff figures literally stab a serious-minded person. So many folks without work; they seem...

The Integrity of Good Leadership
There are several elements or virtues required of good leaders. The one I shall address now is one seemingly in very short supply...

What are all These ISO’s
The first time I ever heard of ISO was in 1990. Three years prior to that the International Organization of Standardization released a...